Have You Suffered an Injury Related to the Pandemic?

The pandemic has severely strained the medical system and caused many people to avoid going to the emergency room. But, even with all of this, there are still risks involved in handling the coronavirus. An injured person shouldn’t allow the pandemic to cause them to have a severe injury, which could be fatal.

It is important to get the medical attention you need and then get in touch with a personal injury lawyer serving West Chester. They can help you get compensation when your injury was due to someone else’s negligence.

Here are some tips on what to do when you are injured during the pandemic:

1. Get Medical Help Immediately

Serious injuries require immediate attention from a doctor. When you or a loved one gets hurt during the pandemic, it is still a good idea to get your injuries checked out right away. Even though there are strains on the medical system, get in to see your doctor as soon as possible. People with injuries should still visit a doctor if they can. Doing so is important to avoid the injuries getting worse.

2. Document Your Accident And Gather Evidence

Delaware County personal injury lawyers will tell you that most personal injury claims get settled based on fault. To get what you deserve, you need to prove your case without compromising your safety or health.

3. Protect Yourself By Social Distancing

The goal is to slow down the spread of the virus by washing hands often and staying away from strangers. In addition, staying within six feet of strangers is also important to prevent getting sick. If you were involved in an accident due to COVID-19, please maintain social distancing.

4. Set Up A Remote Consultation With A Physician

Although many businesses and organizations were closed due to the outbreak, the personal injury claims process can still be performed remotely. It is important to see a doctor after getting injured, even if it has to be done over the phone or through a video call.

The Risks Of Catching Covid-19 At Emergency Rooms

The media’s coverage of COVID-19 is real, but most of the time, minor injuries can still cause life-threatening emergencies. Being able to get immediate medical attention can make a difference in preventing death.

Despite the number of people affected, emergency medical services are still being provided at hospitals in the area. In most cases, patients are being treated without requiring hospitalization.

When going to a hospital, especially for people with certain medical conditions, it is important to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting sick.

If you were injured and have not been able to obtain any medical treatment due to your fear of contracting coronavirus, you should understand you still have options when it comes to filing a personal injury lawsuit. When you need a reliable and trustworthy attorney, contact Katz Injury Law today for a consultation!

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