When Is It Time To File Domestic Violence Charges? 

Your home is a sanctuary of peace and happiness, not of fear and violence. When you or someone you know experiences domestic abuse, it’s important to take action immediately and report the perpetrator to the officials as soon as the abuse takes place. 

However, we understand how complicated the situation can be at times. Maybe you find yourself wondering just how okay your partner’s actions were. If you have children, it can be hard to protect them. Some domestic abuse victims even say that they were so in shock after experiencing abuse that they didn’t know what to do. If you feel any of these ways, know that you’re not alone. We want to help you get out of a harmful or potentially dangerous situation before it gets any worse. 

Ask Yourself: Is It Domestic Abuse?

Before filing charges, you first need to evaluate the situation by asking yourself if it’s domestic abuse. If you’re not completely sure, that’s okay too.

Under Pennsylvania law, domestic violence occurs between household or family members, including spouses, ex-spouses, children, previous tenants, parents, relatives, intimate partners, and previous partners. The members involved in domestic cases can either be related by marriage, blood, or previous relationships (in the case of current and former intimate partners).

Likewise, the law recognizes “domestic abuse” or “violence” if two or more members take part in the following acts: rape, sexual assault, incest, physical assault, aggravated incident assault, intentionally or recklessly caused bodily injury, threats, stalking, and destruction of property. 

While abuse often involves the use of weapons, there are cases where harm is done with fists or other body parts.

File Within The Statute Of Limitations

If you have confirmed that you’re experiencing domestic violence, you can press charges. In the state of Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for filing for domestic abuse is two years. This means that, if you choose to press charges against the perpetrator, you must do so within two years after the abuse took place. Once the statute of limitations passes, your case and the legal claim will no longer be considered valid. 

Get The Best Injury Lawyer Serving Philadelphia

Legal situations in which you claim that an act done to you was one of domestic abuse can become complicated. Especially considering the history between the two parties involved, it may be difficult to provide valuable evidence and ultimately seek the justice that you deserve. 

For this reason, it’s imperative that you hire the best injury lawyer serving Philadelphia to assist you with your case. Serving for more than 30 years, we at Katz Injury Law are committed to winning your case. 

Our best Philadelphia injury attorneys are familiar with the city’s domestic violence laws and can be a great ally for you. We understand the process from the inside out and are trained to get all the information you need to win. 
That said, if you’re looking for the best attorney to represent you, contact Katz Injury Law at (610) 789-3240 or fill out the simple contact form online to begin your process immediately.

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