Do I Have To Go To Court If I File An Injury Claim?

With the stress of being injured on the job or in public causing already high for many victims, the idea of going to court with an injury claim case can be overwhelming. The short answer as to whether or not you have to go to court for an injury claim simply depends on your case and whether or not a settlement can be reached before getting to that point with the help of a personal injury lawyer serving Philadelphia, PA.

Settling Out of Court

It isn’t a secret that most injury claims cases can settle out of court. With the help of an experienced lawyer working with the legal representative of the other party, there are negotiations made based on the following to help determine the cost of your settlement and keep the case out of court.

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical Expenses
  • Loss of wages or income

These are just a few of the factors that are taken into consideration when negotiating a settlement. All medical expenses are reviewed first and covered. Outside of that, you must prove wages lost between you or your spouse due to the accident. You have the ability to be compensated for these, as well.

Pain and suffering are usually the biggest parts of negotiation because there isn’t really a formula or a way to document what you have missed and the effects the injury has had on your quality of life.

Unable to Reach an Agreement

When the time comes for mediation and negotiation, you want your personal injury lawyer to fight on your behalf for the biggest fair settlement that can give you some form of financial stability. If you have gone through negotiations with your legal team and the number coming back is not something that you can settle for, then your next step is to move the injury claim to court.

Keep in mind that once you move your case to the court system, you will not be able to continue negotiations for your settlement. There will be an offer established, and the case will be heard by both the judge and the jury. The jury will be responsible for determining who or what is deserving based on the evidence in your case. Any documentation and resources that can help your case must be entered into court as evidence to be reviewed.

Keep Your Case Out of Court Today

If you are looking for the best car accident lawyer serving Philadelphia and want a consultation to help with your case, contact Katz Injury Law today. Our team of experienced attorneys are able to assist with negotiations and help you settle your case to keep it out of the court system.

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