Personal Injury Lawyers Servicing Havertown, PA

Robert Katz has been serving injury victims in communities like Havertown, PA as an injury lawyer since 1985. If you need an attorney with the knowledge and experience it takes to win your case or get you the maximum settlement, get in touch with Robert right away. A rideshare accident, dog bite, brain injury, or medical malpractice injury can change your life in an instant, but you don’t have to go through it alone. With Katz Injury Law on your side, you give yourself the best chance to get justice and reclaim the lifestyle you enjoyed before you were injured.

Personal injury lawyer havertown pa

We Handle a Variety of Personal Injury Cases

If you have been injured in Havertown, PA, or anywhere nearby, an attorney from Katz Injury Law can help you pursue compensation. A car or motorcycle accident can result in serious injuries, including traumatic brain injury, as well as expensive medical bills and lasting psychological trauma. Don’t let the people who injured you get away with it. Hire a lawyer and take them to court. We also represent rideshare accident victims in Havertown, PA, whether they were injured as passengers, as rideshare drivers, or they were hit by a rideshare driver. Whether it was a motorcycle accident, truck accident, or any other type of auto collision, an attorney from our firm will give you the best possible representation.

In addition to our work with auto collision victims, we can also help you obtain compensation for other types of injuries. Were you injured in a dog bite case, in a slip and fall, or by medical malpractice? Did you receive a brain injury because of someone else’s actions or their negligence? Hire a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you can get compensation.

How Much Compensation Can I Expect from a Personal Injury Case?

While every injury case is different, the attorneys at Katz Injury Law have a proven track record of obtaining large cash settlements and favorable verdicts for our clients. Compensation could be similar for a rideshare accident or any other type of vehicle collision.

You may also be able to get a cash settlement when you hire an attorney from our law firm that serves Havertown, PA, and surrounding communities. An attorney from our firm helped negotiate a settlement for a client injured in a slip and fall on ice.

How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Personal Injury Case?

Once again, every case is different and how long they take to resolve depends on many factors. If the other party is willing to settle, as can be the case with a dog bite or truck accident where fault can be established, it may only take a few months for a lawyer to negotiate a settlement. If the other party is not willing to settle, it will be necessary to take them to court and it could take a year or more to receive a verdict in your favor. In either case, hiring a personal injury lawyer who serves Drexel Hill, PA, and surrounding communities will greatly improve your chances of receiving the maximum compensation in the shortest amount of time.

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