Navigating the Legal Process: What to Expect in a Personal Injury Case

For most people, the idea of pursuing a lawsuit can be overwhelming and intimidating. This is why many people never pursue their personal injury cases even though someone caused them pain, suffering, and loss of resources. Understanding what is involved in a personal injury case can be the first step in this process. A quality lawyer can also help. An auto accident attorney serving Philadelphia is the expert you need to help you navigate this difficult time. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect during a personal injury case.

Find A Lawyer

Finding a personal injury lawyer is an important first step once you’ve sought treatment for your injury. Although it is legal to represent yourself in a case like this, it’s not always the most efficient or effective way to get the results you want in your case. A legal professional will have so much more knowledge, skills, and resources than you will have access to. When you schedule a consultation with a lawyer, be sure to bring along any documentation, medical records, or notes that would be relevant to the case. This will help the lawyer properly evaluate the potential case.

Evaluate Attorneys

You’ll want to evaluate a few different lawyers before you make your decision. If you haven’t had experience with hiring lawyers, you need to take your time during this process. The lawyer you choose will make all of the difference. You’ll want to find out how much experience they’ve had and their success rate. You should also get detailed information on how the attorney prefers to communicate, and what payment methods and policies they have.

Case Investigation

Once you’ve chosen a personal injury lawyer, the legal team will investigate your case. This is why you need professionals; investigating a case is a detailed task. They will look into the extent of your injuries, property damage, and long-term consequences of your injury. They will often review information from the insurance companies involved and any police records that may be associated with the case.

A good lawyer will keep you updated during this part of the timeline. If you feel that there isn’t enough communication between you and the lawyer, you should reach out and make contact to ensure that you have all of the information you need concerning the developments in your case.

Negotiations and Mediation

Not all personal injury cases need to go to court. Plenty of cases have been successfully settled out of court. This can happen when your lawyers can negotiate an agreement and settlement with the insurance company. Your lawyer will make sure that any out-of-court settlements with insurance are to your best benefit. You shouldn’t talk to the insurance company alone or agree to a settlement without your lawyer.

Another way a case can be settled out of court is through mediation. Meditation involves the legal representatives for both parties, and those parties meet and discuss the details of the case independently without a court of judge being involved. This is a more affordable and less stressful way to settle a personal injury case.

Filing a Lawsuit

If you’re unable to resolve the case out of court, then your lawyer will file a lawsuit on your behalf in the court. A personal injury or truck accident lawyer in Delaware County, PA will know exactly what paperwork and documents will be needed. Most people don’t know how to properly file a case with a court, so you must have these legal professionals on your side.

Once the case has been filed, the judge will set a deadline for each phase of the lawsuit process. Your legal team will be very familiar with these phases and have the skills and resources to ensure that everything is filed properly by the deadlines. This part of the process can take several months in some cases.


The final stage of a personal injury case would be the judgments. Once a case has gone to court, a judge will examine the evidence and make a judgment that is either in your favor or against you. If the judgment is in your favor, you may be eligible for compensation.

These are some of the steps involved in a personal injury case. If you’re facing a personal injury case and you need legal help, please contact us today. We are here for your legal needs.

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